RaiseLab, the builders of strategic alliances

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Building the path to the future is a joint effort

To increase their capacity for incremental innovation, remain competitive and open up to new opportunities, organisations need to expand outside their usual remits and turn towards the outside world.

At RaiseLab, we firmly believe that open innovation is a unique tool for building a sustainable future that creates economic and social value for everyone.

At RaiseLab, we specialise in forming alliances between large organisations and start-ups, and the large-scale development of their projects.

The time for testing is over. It’s time to see some results.

A Mission-Driven Company

At the end of 2023, RaiseLab adopted the French legal framework of “entreprise à mission”, i.e. one with a set social purpose and a sustainability commitment, adding an overarching purpose to its articles plus three undertakings.

Our overarching purpose: to make innovation a driver serving a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy by accelerating cooperation between businesses of all sizes.


Promote responsible innovation, deliver solutions to the key challenges facing our society, in France and elsewhere.


Develop and disseminate best practice in terms of method and approach to collaboration between large and mid-sized firms, SMEs, start-ups and institutional bodies.


Showcase the strengths and expertise of the stakeholders in our ecosystem.

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Ready to foster and accelerate innovation?

We can help you find the right innovative solution and technology partner.

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