
Maison RaiseLab is the result of a close collaboration between RAISE REIM (project owner), Dumez Ile de France, Vinci Construction (general contractor), Label Experience (interior designers), PDA (architects) and RaiseLab. Initially scheduled for September 2020, the opening of Maison RaiseLab finally took place in February 2021. Those responsible? the current pandemic and associated health measures. Open Innovation methods have allowed teams to adapt and maintain an ambitious objective.

Chloé Tuot, COO of RaiseLab looks back on this episode and shares her experience with you.

La Maison RaiseLab, an ambitious project to house Open Innovation projects

Maison RaiseLab brings to life the mission of RaiseLab, which consists in supporting Open Innovation projects (collaborations between large and young companies) in order to develop them on a large scale and generate concrete and measurable economic and societal value.

Maison RaiseLab has been the subject of a “very heavy restructuring operation”: obtaining the High Environmental Quality (HQE) label (exceptional level), 2 elevations, deepening the entire surface of the building, expansion of the basement, expansion of the basement, creation of a skylight, creation of a skylight, 18 months of work, intervention of more than 40 companies of all sizes, + 200 people working on the site...

The Maison RaiseLab is a gigantic project whose construction site was notably stopped for nearly 2 months during the first lockdown. While building professionals expected to be at least 8 months late following such a long stoppage of work, Maison RaiseLab opened its doors 4 months later. How? Thanks to the application of methodology in the image of an Open Innovation project.

A project orchestrated as an Open Innovation project

“At RaiseLab, we are used to carrying out complex projects with a multitude of actors. It is framing, collaboration, de-siloing and collective intelligence that allow both the identification of constraints and the subsequent unblocking” explains Chloé Tuot. ”On the Maison RaiseLab site, we also worked with very different actors ranging from the large subsidiary of the Vinci Construction group, Dumez Ile de France, to the small family business, including start-ups with a few employees.

To successfully complete a project and adapt to the fluctuating situation, Maison RaiseLab was treated as a genuine Open Innovation project whose main stages are:

1- starting from a concrete need and set a specific objective and an associated road map,

2- understand the characters and the stakes of the various stakeholders which have the same objective but varied problems,

3- aligning the interests of stakeholders with empathy and rigor, understanding and firmness: unblock the points of friction, help each stakeholder to focus on their subject and their priority,

4- structure a effective communication method to facilitate the transmission of information with a precise framework on the format, frequency, type of content and recipients,

5- frame decision making with well-defined roles and a clear process that provides decision-makers with all the elements they need to arbitrate.

“At the start of the project, many interlocutors took part in strategic decisions by giving their opinion on various subjects in the context of meetings, informal exchanges or by e-mail, etc...” confides Chloé Tuot. “We all had an affinity for the final result, and an interesting experience to highlight. But with the lockdown, we had to review this exchange process, especially when facing constraints such as off-site meetings, the lack of supply of materials... So we worked on a very tight retroplanning and on streamlining each decision-making process. Back on the construction site after the first lockdown, everyone was now focused on their priorities, and one decision-maker per stakeholder was called upon for the arbitrations.”.

In summary, a project can be understood as an Open Innovation project and a collaboration between large groups and young companies. The human side is essential as well as the reporting and structuring of operations in order to bring together stakeholders and pace the deployment towards a common objective.

RaiseLab thanks all the teams and companies that worked to create Maison RaiseLab: Schoolab / RAISE /RAISE REIM/Dumez Ile de France Vinci Construction/Label Experience/Label Experience/PDA/PDA/Atelier Gendre/Bauraum/BTP Consultants/EMI/E-nergy/EPPY/EPPY/EPPY/OPUS Paysage/Opus Paysage/Opus Paysage/Primelec/Primelec/S2T/TOP