
Five years after its creation, RaiseLab, a leading company in France in the creation of strategic alliances between large organizations and technological players, is pleased to announce that it is becoming a mission-led company.

Convinced that a company with a mission is an excellent vehicle for business transformation and employee engagement, this status supports and reaffirms our mission to support large organizations in their collaborations with innovative players to build the world of tomorrow.

We create strategic alliances to build the world of tomorrow

Faced with the major challenges of our time, the response to be provided can only be collective. To solve the environmental, social and societal challenges of our time, large organizations are increasingly aware that they must join forces with startups and Tech players to achieve their goals.

A leading player dedicated to collaborations between large organizations and innovative players, RaiseLab helps to imagine, build and execute these alliances through a tailor-made consulting activity that:

  • establishes effective mechanisms and processes for existing and future alliances,
  • contributes to the emergence and subsequent success of these strategic alliances.

This unique expertise dedicated to Open Innovation to support these collaborations between major groups, ETI, public actors and startups, is based on a rich ecosystem committed to our side and on Maison RaiseLab, a third place located in Paris.

Our raison d'être and our statutory goals

The Mission offers a vision of the future, reinvented and responsible both in terms of environmental and social issues and on the role that the company will play in responding to them..” Mission Business Community.

The statutory objectives are established in line with the activity of RaiseLab, which is already present on topics of positive impact, and its future ambition.

Our reason for being:

Make innovation a lever for a sustainable, resilient and inclusive economy by accelerating cooperation between organizations of all sizes.

Our statutory goals:

In line with its raison d'être, RaiseLab has defined the three statutory commitments:

  • Promote responsible innovation, providing solutions to the major challenges of our society, in France and internationally;
  • Develop and disseminate best practices in terms of method and posture in terms of cooperation between major groups, start-ups, ETI, SMEs, institutions;
  • Highlighting the strengths and know-how of the stakeholders in our ecosystem.


A few days ago, our first Mission Committee met, composed of managers, entrepreneurs and recognized and committed experts:

We thank all of these members for agreeing to support us for two years on the execution, objectives and monitoring indicators of the mission. As a driving force and guarantor of its ambition and strategic deployment, the committee will meet twice a year in person.

We are happy to join the 1,626 mission-led companies that have opted for this legal quality created by the Pacte law in 2019, and to follow the commitment of our 2 parent companies:

  • Schoolab (company with a mission since 2020): Innovation studio and educational player that promotes an entrepreneurial and collaborative state of mind to trigger transitions towards a harmonious society that respects people and the environment.
  • RAISE (company with a mission since 2022): A committed investment and innovation group whose raison d'être is to develop an innovative and generous ecosystem to support visionary entrepreneurs and build with them a responsible and sustainable economy.

This status reinforces our position as a leading player dedicated to collaborations between large organizations and innovative players and reaffirms our mission to accelerate the sustainable transformation of organizations through open innovation with startups and technological players.

Since its creation, each activity and business of RaiseLab has been at the service of this mission. It guides our strategy and our development. This commitment is the result of collective work that has mobilized and will continue to mobilize our employees and stakeholders in a demanding and ambitious approach.